
關於 happy + happy + go + go + go 搜尋歌詞 共有 500 個 符合。
這是第 1 至 100 ,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】

專輯 ( 頁面連結 ) 歌名 ( 頁面連結 )( 部分歌詞 )
1 41.讓過去都沉入大海吧 you want go這個夏天你想去哪裡呢 last year you leave me alone ... last year you leave me alone go to Hawaii去年你拋棄我去了夏威夷 please please pl ... 底做囚犯 cant go anywhere哪裡也去不了 beacuse you leave me因為 ... 底做囚犯 cant go anywhere哪裡也去不了 beacuse you leave me因為你離開了我 so I cry on the beach所以我在海灘上哭 I will curse you bitch我要詛咒你10年不開張 oh no I dont want summ ... 心你
2 1.Sorry myself it don' t go near those snowed(你能不能別靠近那些被雪覆蓋的地方) I told you my friend(我告訴過你我的朋友) I control no my body(我無法控制我的身體)讓眼神別閃躲 But I can do my fly cho ... ong way(但我控制不了太久) Believe you go(相信你會走)你許諾過的誓言在刺痛我胸口我想要把快樂往身體裡注射讓它代替血液成為哀樂可是卻受傷再次被骯髒充斥著灰色的罪惡這不是假象痛苦無奈刺破我
3 1.皮格馬利翁 ng really got me nervous不敢讓你發現你的眉毛還沒刻千萬不要出去讓我把你留在這 ... 你覺得stupid Gotta call my friend Cupid I just wanna tell you you're my muse You looking so elegant but I'm looked like a mess為你準備的玫瑰會不會被拒絕 I'm c ... or your bliss try to make you happy We can go and find us a secret place I wanna t
4 11.Credits ant to be happy Everything is inside Follow it!Go!Go!Go!Go! Now move your fingers to get to the world It's the best way to ... he world It's the best way to go to heaven Now move your fingers to get to the world You will feel like flying in the sky It's game life I am already an adult now ... he world It's the best way to go to heaven Now move your fingers to g
5 1.F.F.F ld me'You gotta kill them'(另一個讓我毀掉一切) That's why p ... on(天使与魔鬼) Good versus evil(善與惡) I'm afraid to face ... 給我們')'I'm good with the quit and strove with none' ... 名與利')'I'm gonna buy the fancy clothes drive the fa ... 然後試圖提問嗎?) God hath leaden feet but iron hands(人們常說 ... 道) People gotta show their true love forever(人們需要表達自己真實的愛) Ok I'm done I feel calm(好的我

6 2.Him Right make you happy and make you smile Can give you more love more than mine Everyday will be ... re than mine Everyday will be happy and happier Him. Right? When you see his eyes you can forget I should get the way for thousands miles Let me out of your life( ... life(forever) Let me let you go and let me feel alone Why you leave alone and let me like a dope? I don't feel anymore yeah I really Don't So ... nymore yeah I really Don't So go to love yourself and making love
7 1.咪滴仔 ME-DIA oji吸引你的注意 Happy Kawaii Woohoo手滑著story貼近你的日記配著吃kali kali嘟嚕~嘟嚕~ Shuffle melody登愣~登愣~ Online fantasy吃雞~吃雞~ Hold不住自己A.I.原住民 We are the ME-DIA(Oh! ... 世界連結 Make a Cyber Party Don't Google MeJust Follow Me手機對著我拍沒關係加個IG組團吃雞是躺平世界的魔力爸媽常說我太孩子氣阿嬤以為我在學英語只能說咪咪ING點擊率是最好的Currency ME-DIA ... 能說咪咪ING點
8 1.2081 't let me go May a time machine fix my regrets But it can never bring things right back'Who am I in sixty years' time?' I see myself living on ... Waking up in a double bed I'm good on my own But if I choose to live with you That is what love's about Having you come around Passion makes me nervous If I'm bei ... e does the same Working is my happy hour What about the late-night hours? When I've done so much I'm still in vain I shouldn't try too hard Cause things don't wor ...
9 8.If You Love Me me let me go如果你愛我請放我離去 Don't leave me broken hanging on to empty hope請別讓我心碎抱著空洞的希望 If you love me set me free如果你愛我請放我自由 cuz I won't ever be th ... 不是你所需的人 If you love me let me go如果你愛我請讓我離去 Don't leave me broken hanging on to empty hope請別讓我心碎抱著空洞的希望 If you love me set me free如果你愛我請放我自由 cuz I won't ever be th ... e running願以靈魂為賭
10 3.Be It Happy Or Sad r>3.Be It Happy Or Sad作詞關浩德作曲關浩德遍地尋求探索千萬平衡宇宙尋找 ... 你所有 be it happy or sad be it happy or sad互相追求轉眼已過了幾個秋保存一絲害羞哪怕一點也足夠慢慢拼湊我們走不完的以後有你在我身後是我最大的成就 everywhere everywhere you ... 的成就 everywhere everywhere you go let me heart follow every day every n ... 你所有 be it happy or sad be it happy or sa
11 1.Him Right make you happy and make you smile Can give you more love more than mine Everyday will be ... re than mine Everyday will be happy and happier Him. Right? When you see his eyes you can forget I should get the way for thousands miles Let me out of your life( ... life(forever) Let me let you go and let me feel alone Why you leave alone and let me like a dope? I don't feel anymore yeah I really Don't So ... nymore yeah I really Don't So go to love yourself and making love
12 7.Stop The Fight make you happy make you feeling good. Oh my love. Do you remember how I need your love? I'm always be here to be your arms. Let me give you all my life and here we ... e you all my life and here we go again. Can we just stop the fight an
13 12.Stop The Fight(Original) make you happy make you feeling good. Oh my love. Do you remember how I need your love? I'm always be here to be your arms. Let me give you all my love and here we ... e you all my love and here we go again. Can we just stop the fight an
14 3.PRINCESS e I'm not good at all But I also mean it in some ways I meant it in some ways are you ok? Maybe we won't ... ys are you ok? Maybe we won't go back no more Maybe it's all just alcohol I'm not saying it's all your fault But if you can't take it just hang up my call Please ... love you but I hate you more Got sick of all these protocols But we're not ... these protocols But we're not gonna lose it just lose it all On thing that small Princess am I loving you wrong? Your
15 4.Stop The Fight make you happy make you feeling good. Oh my love. Do you remember how I need your love? I'm always be here to be your arms. Let me give you all my life and here we ... e you all my life and here we go again. Can we just stop the fight an
16 1.聖誕歡樂頌 來囉來囉來囉321 GO) Merry Xmas& Happy New Year Merry Xmas& Happy New Year Merry Xmas& Happy New Year Merry Xmas Together Fore
17 1.Cold World s why you gotta focus on yourself more and prepare yourself See? It's a cold cold world outside You ready? I know you're always ready to do wh ... e always ready to do what you gotta do Cuz we're done being told what we can't do太多痛苦帶來太多衝突和憤怒充斥著不安便把生活塞滿了嫉妒你越想逃離其中越是被自己束縛你因為恐懼甚至不知變得多盲目說話都變得很不客氣只是想被保護內心有多想逃離這裡總想 ... Now just as
18 1.PRINCESS e I'm not good at all But I also mean it in some ways I meant it in some ways are you ok? Maybe we won't ... ys are you ok? Maybe we won't go back no more Maybe it's all just alcohol I'm not saying it's all your fault But if you can't take it just hang up my call Please ... love you but I hate you more Got sick of all these protocols But we're not ... these protocols But we're not gonna lose it just lose it all On thing that small Princess am I loving you wrong? Your
19 5.不可能的可能 Never Be Happy Without Me You Will Never Be Happy Without Me擁抱我再撫慰花水瓶星座上親吻著她躲貓貓快藏好大解放前找到她歸還自由彼此救贖自由生長經歷過程我們都是戀舊囚徒堅守盼望誰來破門穿過沙漠暴雨深陷幾次風塵尋海市蜃樓伊甸園實際是場空門選晴空還是夜你我的中間還有界你的靈魂歸於太陽我今晚就得爬上 ... 你的靈魂歸於太陽我今晚就得爬上月 my love this go no
20 4.Side Effects Lee-Feel Good4.Side Effects作詞James Lee作曲James Lee You你 Saw me through the wreckage穿過殘骸注視著我 Through the damage透過傷疤凝視著我 Tell me it's tr ... cohol用酒精麻痹自己 Even if I let it go即使能短暫忘卻 I'm the one who always falls醒來後我仍然沉淪於過去 Tell me is it worth it cause I want it難道是因為我太過執著嗎 I try to forget all of the thing ... ain我後悔然後又重蹈覆轍 acting like I'm goo

21 4.Table For Two hought we got married and live a meaningful life I told her it didn't work out but everything is fine But lately I've been thinking of you It' ... fast and lunch Let's have one good laugh before we have to say goodbye Table for two I booked for you Even if you(never came) I'll wait for you To sit right next to me Again I stopped by the plac ... rive around places we used to go I'm happy you were part of me but sadly you were part of me I'm sorry I didn't make u pro
22 1.Little Balcony soon it's gonna rain So don't hesitate To get on your way Or baby say you're ... n your way Or baby say you're gonna stay Here on my little balcony You're ... e on my little balcony You're gone Forever young Eternal sun Go have some fun Don't get me wrong I love you so much I'm glad you stop Your endless run I know it's really hard to say But we will ... in the big old train The sun goes down late Happy anyway Or baby say you're gonna stay Here on my
23 8.Hotel 暢快明天再回家 I got stories what do you have? Can't control the riot in your heart Ignite my engines the faster the merrier Let's hang out til sunri ... en if you don't know where to go tonight Let's take out all we have even if there are only some coins Take the garbage in our life as side dishes Man I am ready t ... Man I am ready to swallow and happy to bear all of it為了愛今夜來相約相揪出發到大路上哪裡有少年在奔波相找伴四處流浪 We hav
24 4.We Are Having Fun ah we are gonna have some fun let's go. yeah~January是一月 February是二月 March是三月 April是四月 May是五月June是六月July是七月 August是八月九月叫September十月是October十一月November十二月December one two ... ll of us are having fun Oh my god oh the rabbit hit the trunk She's my mum and I'm the only son Peace and love if you are ... son Peace and love if you are happy you can jump很多的是many真正地really好吃的tasty味道好
25 8.Neo Love r feel so happy I can't forget you told me I'll be the one for you Can't forget That day you wake up early Telling me something just stay with ... ter where you are I know I'll go Babe would you love me Till I can't reach Any more I just wanna love you baby No matter how hard the way I know Babe would you lo ... ter where you are I know I'll go Babe would you love me Till I can't
26 1.KPKB2021 Rewind 上Trending Goodbye啦2020林北在台北躲Covid-19 Malaysia的疫情 U ... 要離(Bye!)女生Happy(Yeah!)快點到Microsoft偶遇 Avengers Grou ... 三更半夜嫑睡 Tengok Bola媽的疫苗何時才輪到我美國英國啊不然就打中國人家飛機飛都到了頭頂祖 ... 妙(妙!)老美滾蛋(Go!)領導在笑(Ha!)咱們兒來邦交不爽就砰掉女人和女孩快來信教(Chi Pa ... eta!)重新來過(Go!)買房車買棟樓買個老婆(Cool~) Hello Everybo
27 4.Loser 天賦-Have A Good Time4.Loser Rap陳考威作詞 T-Rexx作曲陳考威JNYBeatz編曲陳考威JNYBeatz監製陳考威或滴淚亦很累沒有空間憶記誰沒電量便安睡日或夜未分類伴結他一個隱居隨音階升與墜對愉快感覺沒有感覺全是泡影不配失落 Guess ... s it's time for me to let you go你所想的怎會意想不到說為你看顧是有天賦望這四壁怎夠生活也許分手總算最終的維護人崇優都不算錯來遺忘一起溫
28 1.撲通100大舞廳 Disco123 Go喇叭褲⻛⾏⽪鞋更帶勁配⼀副墨鏡閃耀在⼈群瘋狂吧轉動轉動錄⾳機緩解⼝渴的情緒⾳ ... 沒⽇沒夜也都沒關係 HappyHappy不就圖個開⼼買卡帶專輯看摩登電影去⽼外餐廳都不如這裡⼀⼝⽓蹦呀蹦呀別喘 ... 沒⽇沒夜也都沒關係 HappyHappy不就圖個開⼼我⼼愛的⼥孩站在舞池的中央她牽動我的⼼墜⼊愛情的海洋別擔⼼ ... 沒⽇沒夜也都沒關係 Hap
29 1.冷冷的風 makes me happy Hey girl go home with me32冷冷的風它在冷冷的吹冷冷的你我在冷冷的追刮這一陣風誰陶醉會流眼淚冷冷的風還在冷冷的吹冷冷的夜我在獨自面對還是這一陣風誰感受我心碎冷冷的風吹吹吹不盡我又恨我心裡天真想要把你灌醉冷冷的風吹吹吹走了當初的假愛情讓我不在掛念你是誰冷冷的風 ... like your body It's makes me happy Hey girl go home with me I love yo
30 1.Do U Think Of Me make you happy Give you my sweet love Won't let go of your hand I wanna be be your man Tell me baby that you need me Give you my sweet love See these haters all around they tryna b ... g me yea I think you do We're gonna find our way Don't care bout what they say Oooooooh Do you think of me when I think of you Can you feel the heat yea I think y ... ya All I wanna do is make you happy Give you my sweet love Won't let go of your hand I wanna be be your man I know b
31 6.You Know Who Is My Father? en Limpeh happy I'm sibeh damn rich I'm no horse running rich我SMLJ統統沒有除了Money You know who is my father ar? You know who is your father ar? Yo ... g pool like Olympic My father got3 Datukships Next week become Dato Sri Every month must do Charity Then posted on Sinchew Daily We han ... posted on Sinchew Daily We hangout with many YBs You touch me then you will mati Stare what stare ar? I saw your comment on Facebook talk bad about me Stare what ... re ar? If you
32 1.Slowly ow Time's gonna heal it The pain that you gave me But I know it will leave me a scar'Who do you wanna spend your time slowly with?' I said'tha ... t want to admit it Everything goes slowly Everything goes slowly Till the day you first leave Till the day I can't breathe Everything ... ay I can't breathe Everything goes slowly Everything goes slowly Till the day you first leave Till the day I can't breathe We'll never have a ... 't breathe We'll never have a hap
33 5.Weird to Be Happy ird to Be Happy作詞 Kingsley Mak作曲 Kingsley Mak I'm turning18 now Start wondering about How all these things can work out I'm tired of livin ... y tears and leave them for my happy memories Even I laugh Even I smile It doesn't mean I'm fine with it Cause all I know That it's weird to be ... I know That it's weird to be happy She's turning moody now Start getting confused about How all these lies can work out She's tired of dating now To men she care ... tears and
34 1.Loser o let you go你所想的怎會意想不到說為你看顧是有天賦望這四壁怎夠生活也許分手總算最終的維護人崇優都不算錯來遺忘一起溫暖過 Yeah we're breaking up No more faking love'Cause I am a loser無情都不虧欠我如難忘低端的次貨 ... st forever No matter how much happy times that we had together But I can never seem to understand what's in your mind i guess it's time for me to put my thoughts ... 's time for both of us to let go(!
35 2.摸得到天 被燒透 YouareGod吃你的肉你的肉臭的硬的咬不動吧你想殺你的那幾個晚上就該計劃把你拋棄在荒林當麥克在我手上都沒人能搶得走它們都全部是群狗樣歌爛聽長的醜混子些不止一半多我們都對此很不屑不想听他們的難歌喊他們全部都滾出去老子的的flow讓他們都跟到去吼 You ready ... 滾出去老子的的flow讓他們都跟到去吼 You ready go最初的soul絕不得丟為了mybor忍了太久全場
36 9.To The Moon 有些笑臉(Very happy there) we are flying to space(我們飛向太空) flying to space(飛向太空) we are flying to space(我們飛向太空) flying to space(飛向太空)發覺四季讓我看時間在變換(I ... s world we have a long way to go)坐上我的飛船讓我帶你去冒險(Get on my spaceship and ... 帶你去冒險(Get on my spaceship and go on an adventure)你再也不用假裝(You never have to pretend)忍受著沒有人的陪伴(Endure no one's company)
37 1.Slowly ow Time's gonna heal it The pain that you gave me But I know it will leave me a scar'Who do you wanna spend your time slowly with?' I said'tha ... t want to admit it Everything goes slowly Everything goes slowly Till the day you first leave Till the day I can't breathe Everything ... ay I can't breathe Everything goes slowly Everything goes slowly Till the day you first leave Till the day I can't breathe We'll never have a ... 't breathe We'll never have a hap
38 1.Mochi love me我們是happy family Yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah ... yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah happy family Yeah yeah yeah yeah I love ... love me我們是happy family see me on weekend baby we got all day n nite maybe hit me up whene ... 都可以跟你一起hangover I' m ready for some more不想清醒想再更近一些 ... 再更近一些靠你身邊 got me ohh yeahhhh every day like a birthday sweetie make me wanna celebrate like the way we relate ou
39 1.You Know Who Is My Father? en Limpeh happy I'm sibeh damn rich I'm no horse running rich我SMLJ統統沒有除了Money You know who is my father ar? You know who is your father ar? Yo ... g pool like Olympic My father got3 Datukships Next week become Dato Sri Every month must do Charity Then posted on Sinchew Daily We han ... posted on Sinchew Daily We hangout with many YBs You touch me then you will mati Stare what stare ar? I saw your comment on Facebook talk bad about me Stare what ... re ar? If you
40 1.친까안해진짜안돼(Don't Dress Bad) ytime you go吃炸雞完漱一手指妳最愛吃的美食莎朗黑油牛肉너회(你們)客家人都講承蒙你恁仔細Yo~你的美離太遠看看mirro只能說穿成這樣真的不行穿成這樣真的不行穿成這樣真的不行愛你只用七秒鐘無理時間也不多穿成這樣真的不行穿成這樣真的不行穿成這樣真的不行愛你只用七秒鐘無理時間 ... 點是你從頭到尾根本沒注意幾個我 Everytime you go睇戲都在滑手機你最討厭的
41 13.Win 我帶進這個水深火熱 go go go go dxxx你在我的幻想裡面扮演什麼角色)他們只有站到站到看到我們火你不僅歌難 ... 我帶進這個水深火熱 go go go go dxxx你在我的幻想裡面扮演什麼角色)他們只有站到站到看到我們火你不僅歌難聽而且長得醜背後捅刀的都不是我的bro看到我太屌了把你錢都捲起跑了總是 young chxxxa win ColdaBoi總是熬到每天凌晨2.30老子你
42 6.Birth Day feat. A2dac- Cook The Vibe Version 作曲余承恩、張汎宇 Happy happy fay day You know that it is a birth day You know we ... it is a birth day You know we gotta go and celebrate(Happy birth day)喂喂喂嘿嘿嘿接到這通電話是你未繳電話費我是你最早 ... 後的灰886各自飛 Happy happy fay day You know that it is a birth day You know we ... it is a birth day You know we gotta go and celebrate(Happy birth day)絞痛我的胃 You my only妹不要
43 1.Till My Ride Comes Tryna let go but can't有太多複雜的故事 just flip the pages ... t有太多複雜的故事 just flip the pages Happy ending don't belong here you don't wanna play with當我閉上雙眼 all I see is different faces Y'all create a monster but y'all don't t ... I don't understand Tryna let go but can't眼皮在跳 I'm clearing my doubtsJust slow down Too many to count I'm blaming myself just for fun I live on the edge I'm sick ... I don't understand Tryna let go
44 7.Sleepy Man's Weekend she knits happy ending about sleepy. they went to zoo on weekend went to see their friends they fed elephants and monkey and hippos. sleepy wa ... the friends there.they had to go back. sleepy will coming back.and se
45 7.Birth Day 作曲余承恩、張汎宇 Happy happy fay day You know that it is a birth day You know we ... it is a birth day You know we gotta go and celebrate(Happy birth day)喂喂喂嘿嘿嘿接到這通電話是你未繳電話費我是你最早 ... 後的灰886各自飛 Happy happy fay day You know that it is a birth day You know we ... it is a birth day You know we gotta go and celebrate(Happy birth day)絞痛我的胃 You my only妹不要

46 7.When October Goes n October Goes作詞JOHNNY MERCER作曲 Barry Manilow And when October ... arry Manilow And when October goes The snow begins to fly Above the smoky roofs I watch the planes ... moky roofs I watch the planes go by The children running home beneath A twilight sky Oh for the fun of them When I was one of them And when October ... one of them And when October goes The same old dream appears And you are in my arms To share the ... u are in my arms To share the ha
47 1.Fake her我們無所不談 Happy or not無分事事好壞 I guess I knew親愛的我已知曉 ... 濾所視 Don't go breaking my heart也不必黯然神傷 I don't feel so ... heart也不必黯然神傷 I don't feel so good既然心灰意冷 Wanna be myself那就闊步向前 With t
48 1.Make You Feel My Love long. I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue I'd go crawlin' down the avenue No there's nothin' that I wouldn't do To make you feel my love. The storms are raging on the rollin' sea ... like me yet. I could make you happy make your dreams come true There's nothing that I would not do ... s nothing that I would not do Go to the ends of the Earth for you To
49 3.Sippin' Slow you still got no hope質疑我的聲音在哪里你到處去參加party我在studio呆了整整一個夏季懷疑我的聲音在哪里我的身邊暗藏殺機獨自面對現實獨自承受這些壓力有時我會懷疑自己是否能做到那些承諾讓我快瘋掉用我的時間賺那些票 XTONE唱完所有能唱調把水全喝了給你留下尿 ... u still fuck around you still got no hope Sippin' slow I don't want togo back to the broke Buy my mama a foreign now she trust
50 2.海底針(feat. TiKMAN) ow what's going through my head everytime I see ya My head's running wild trying to get through to ya If only there's a way I knew how to make ... a way I knew how to make you happy I'm being the best man that I could ever be I live like a king so I treat you like a queen bee Girl you drive me crazy so call ... me where to find the key I'll go deep in the ocean To unlock your hea
51 1.過節老鼠(Year of Rat) ou double happy come to your door(雙喜臨門) Good thing in double double double pair pair(好事成雙雙雙對對) Talent look double have name and money double get(才貌雙全名利雙收) Double dra ... ouble get(才貌雙全名利雙收) Double dragons go to the sea double heng double huat l
52 1.Fake that you go你知道嗎你的離開在我的心上開了個大洞 Falling into sleepy hollow通往死寂的沉睡谷 what a**** I am literally living in a show我真是蠢啊我現在真的是生活在狗血劇情裡了 We could've b ... Is it where you always wanna go好像那是你一直想去的地方? It was a sincere intenti ... 的眼睛對我說了一句'Happy birthday baby.''親愛的生日快樂' I don't
53 1.Far Away your eyes Go to seek freedom My song only sing for you. Oh Baby Take me Far away Come on boogie with me Oh Baby Let's run away You make my lif ... t's run away You make my life happy。 Oh Baby Take me Far away Come on boogie with me Oh Baby Let's run away You make my life ... t's run away You make my life happy。 Oh Baby Take me Far away Shake y
54 1.KEEP DOING 但我玩的大 I'm go up keep doing每天都混在Studio燈火通明只願意做一個努力的 ... o is win每天go up that's what i do好多minute聽到beat的聽到music中老子不得一會兒跑到西又跑到東好多年了聽到沒有看到沒有搜到沒有CDC的rapping不用進口 Follow me trapping follow me ... Follow me trapping follow me happy來到現場不止點點頭 Follow me young blood fol ... o不要迷rolex go check少不了困惑的糾結 Whoo al
55 12.Little Star 做明星 oh my god聽眾在哪裡有你就行你需要一個男傭我就是吳克群如果你想拍照片我就是陳冠希這張 ... 下定決心對您老負責 god damn有時候真的希望下一秒鐘就能夠領取結婚證書做你老公在腦中這是個好夢 i love a dream girl i need a ... i love a dream girl i need a happy home幻想一下吧我以為我的天真你早已經習慣啦 it's all i think about我說要愛到老的到老了回過頭看那時候傻的
56 2.小星星 r where I go This feeling is so terrible It's like I never own myself No matter how many people are around me I still feel alone Insignificanc ... when they cried I don't feel happy Why when they succeed I think the world is crazy Why when they failed I feel the world is almost dead I am just a puppet contr ... rolled By jealousy anger and ego Today the puppet is Awakening But Loneliness shattered my soul There are some purposes preserved in my consciousness They can't h ...
57 5.My World(feat. Eleanor Forte) verything goes wrong and we are just pretending Everyone is deaf even can't hear anything Is this what you want or i'm just too annoying Skies ... ken there's no chance for you go back to the past Now just indulge in this ... past Now just indulge in this happy world Never wake upJust drop! Can you see can you feel the world which is so colorful how beautiful Can you hear can you notic ... urn back Crashing down let me go to the deepest place Fall asleep Everything ...
58 6.色空 nglish is good I from the east culture which is cool I rap very ... ture which is cool I rap very good which is true You wanna see me in Da house? which is full sometime I tired no one bird me I bird myself you can hear some bird ... his is dope Ya swag ya em the happy time go very fast It totally bring up the cl
59 1.從今以後 if i'm unhappy you won't see a trace*因為知道生活並不容易 Because I know life is not easy因為知道方向還在尋覓 because I know I'm still looking for my direction不管 ... how much further do I have to go to get closer to my dreams聲音被聽見還要多少力
60 1.DEBUT me and we happy if that ain't relatable do me a favor please don't at me but this is where it's at if you want somethin' that's pure you a mul ... that's pure you a multifandom go ahead cause i ain't insecure all i d
61 1.一人份的孤獨 Lyric]by Google Translate Song World of One Singer Wang Kai Can't sleep read a few books At least my thoughts are fixed at Somewhere Wake up ... should WU be too serious? WU~ go your own way I can digest just right. Lonely for one person Raising a cat can lift Looking for someone to talk but no one Difficu ... The person who left wish Are happy WU~ don't look too clear Why should WU be too serious? WU~ ... should WU be too serious? WU~ go your own way I can adapt jus
62 6.Seven Steps To Be Happy Again eps To Be Happy Again作詞 Olivier Cong作曲 Olivier Cong編曲 Olivier Cong Seven Steps To Be ... livier Cong Seven Steps To Be Happy Again Performer Olivier Cong Composer Olivier Cong Lyricist Olivier Cong Arranger Olivier Cong Producer Adrian Chow This is it ... feel Clarity and content Say goodbye it's time to let him go I am here and I I will be ther
63 4.Beyond The Sea(Live At Blue Note Beijing) stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailin' Somewhere beyond the sea She's there watchin' for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to her arms I'd ... Then straight to her arms I'd go sailin' It's far beyond the stars It's near beyond the moon I know beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon We'll meet bey ... ore We'll kiss just as before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And never again I'll ... the sea And never again I'll go
64 5.Goodbye Christmas- English Ver. Gift5.Goodbye Christmas- English Ver.作詞 Onestar作曲 LAY(張藝興)&Onestar編曲 LAY(張藝興)&길은경(KIL EUN KYONG) Baby call my name if you remember ton ... breaks my heart Where did you go? Why are you so far away? Every memory keeps bringing you back I can't even count the sleepless nights Yes I was wrong oh you wer ... g I'm falling down Everyone's happy now but I'm alone tonight Don't let me don't let me drown It's too late to say I love you babe ... o
65 1.蔡鎮鴻 se aye才出名的happy birthday i live蔡鎮鴻的life i live蔡鎮鴻的 ... 色眼睛hellow go die買個prada送給lara another lil mama我的兄
66 7.Hello ou desire go crazy Make my strings go dancing Make the night to the blues Take it to the dream Bring up my fender and turn on my speaker play in major I met a girl las ... body wanna rock&roll Make me happy and happy Make me crazy so crazy Walk slowl
67 1.海底針 ow what's going through my head everytime i see ya my head's running wild trying to get through to ya if only there's a way i knew how to make ... a way i knew how to make you happy i'm being the best man that i could ever be i live like a king so i treat you like a queen bee girl you drive me crazy so call ... me where to find the key i'll go deep in the ocean to unlock your hea
68 7.Wake Up(&5forty2& Ashtaka) gJr:'I am happy to join with you today馬丁路德.金:'今天能很高興能夠和大家在一起… In what will ... '今天能很高興能夠和大家在一起… In what will go down in history as the greatest demo
69 1.思凡(Happy Ending) 曉月老闆-思凡(Happy Ending )1.思凡(Happy Ending)作詞暗槓曉月老闆作曲暗槓曉月老闆改編自崑曲《孽海記‧思凡》「哎爸你年輕時候跟我媽怎麼好上的?」「想知道阿?乾了告訴你。」從前有座山山裡有座廟廟裡有個老方丈他袈裟七綵燈。煙霧繚繞木魚聲聲天靈靈地靈靈每天唸經文。隔壁那座山有個尼姑庵庵 ... la za mi la mi la Honey money go my home za mi la mi la ei ei wa ga
70 8.New Day 明媚 That's good又是新的一天(It's a new day)伸懶腰起來繼續今天的工作吧不 ... 氣請繼續 yeah Go ahead(It's time to go)起床後的第一件事要先把音響打開這樣才能有動力讓我從興奮中醒來每一天的愛音樂靈感的到來我永遠長生不老的心很多事需要感慨 I'm the boss只需要動下筆就能寫出我自己比較滿意的東西所有空白的白紙布滿不會停的練筆我付出的回報不多但我還是很滿意 T
71 5.危險寶貝 血液像一首搖滾音樂 Go on Baby可以再深入一點告訴我這不是幻覺愛我你心甘情願你是上天的恩賜相遇在這一夜讓我迷戀把我催眠柔軟的光芒如鑽石般耀眼我的記憶只需要你好和再見 La la la(You made me so ... 你好和再見 La la la(You made me so happy) La la la(You drive me so crazy)你游離的指間讓我度日如年 La la la(You made me so ... 我度日如年 La la la(You made me so happy) La la la(You drive me so
72 1.To Be Forgotten -To Be Forgotten1.To Be Forgotten作詞蔡柏璋作曲羅恩妮 They never told us Time waits for no man They never told us Time never truly heals They never told us We will n ... ever told us We will never be happy They never told us We are doomed to fall Under the sky I'm just a little man To be for ... 'm just a little man To be forgotten that's all Would having faith do any harm Perhaps I don't know I don't know But I'll just ... ow I don't know But I'll jus
73 1.一起Happy(& MC HotDog) 啤酒1.一起Happy(& MC HotDog)廣告哈爾濱啤酒單曲作詞 MC Hot ... 震嶽 I'm so happy now一起Happy我們的世界裡歡樂多到爆 I'm so ... 到爆 I'm so happy now一起Happy女孩你別錯過今夜很美好 I'm so ... 美好 I'm so happy now一起Happy我們的世界裡歡樂多到爆 I'm so ... 到爆 I'm so happy now一起Happy女孩你別錯過今夜很美好她正的像女明星又親切的像我鄰居一場PA
74 29.YMCA d to be unhappy. young man there's a place you cango. I said young man when you're short on your dough. you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a ... will find many ways to have a good time. it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. they have everything for you men to enjoy you can hang ... urself cleaned you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel... young man are you listening to me? I said young man what do y
75 6.I Wanna Show ey let me go Now Give me give me Microphone give me Microphone I Wanna Show... I Wanna Show... I Wanna Show... Hey let me ... .. I Wanna Show... Hey let me go Now Give me give me Microphone and Here we ... ive me Microphone and Here we go and Here we go Hey DJ Give me bass Everybody just OK I saw every smiling face We want ... aw every smiling face We want happy everyday Now Here we go Let me show With the music lose control With beat Move your feet This i
76 1.123新年好 被幸福包圍著祝大家 happy new year把幸福傳遞給下一個let's ... 給下一個let's go Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na新年快樂 Na Na ... 被幸福包圍著祝大家 happy new year把幸福傳遞給下一個let's ... 給下一個let's go新的一年吉祥如意.하나둘셋(123)天天過得洋洋得意one two thre ... 迎接新年let's go one two three祝大家新年快樂 love is here愛被幸福 ... 被幸福包圍著祝大家 happy new year
77 6.愛情導演 我說出來 Ok I got it我懂我真的太傻了別再笑我小時候電影看多了虛擬畫面一幕幕在浮現是你的甜 ... 筆在橋段過後會看見 Happy ending Baby別拖戲那麼久趕快打給我說你forgive me come on!可能我就愛上你這脾氣也可能是自己亂角色設定賭氣沒傳的那封道歉簡訊這時有旁白一定罵我很遜天空晴朗了你的身影也回到身邊劇情走到這裡都有默契不會再分離 Check Chec ... 這裡都有默契不
78 3.All I Want MTV Cribs got nothing on me you can see she's stuntin' Tony says he wants to rock the new Ferrari Fancy leather seats so comfy Coming out the ... 3-G's yeah he's stuntin' I've got just one wish on my list and I'm making it count It might sound crazy but I'll tell you what I want right now All I really want ... t enough you know you make me go Oh woah oh oh woah oh oh Until I get my share I won't settle for anything less than all of you Amy doesn't want nothing that's to ...
79 6.交給我 n Make Me HappyJust wanna Let You Know怕只怕錯過忘記最初的愛不敢說 Can You Feel I Love You Baby I'll Never Let You ... e You Baby I'll Never Let You Go從今天之後放心把你的雙手交給我有你陪伴才算完美生活愛是個圓一半是你一半是我當你走進我的世界心甘情願被你猜透 You Are MY One And Only Love Baby Repeat# My Love~~~◎Only You Can Make Me ... Love~~~◎Only You Can Make Me HappyJust wanna Let You Know怕只怕錯
80 3.快樂的告別式 速打理 Let's go party這自由得來不易我們曾膩在一起現在起妳可以我可以各自尋找 ... 妳可以我可以各自尋找Happy完成了告別式我們對天宣示現在是妳的事他的事統統不干我的事一鞠躬再鞠躬
81 2.Kick來料(Kick Coming) sie wanna go clubbingJennifer wanna go clubbing Stephanie跟Josephine打電話叫我去Club Stephanie andJosephine all wanna ... phanie andJosephine all wanna go clubbing with me!阿公他凍未條阿嬷嘛跟他肖 Grandpa ... 搖自己爽 Be a good son go share the booty shaking joy with your parents too! Uncle Auntie聽Lelio嘛有RnB Hip-hop Uncle& Auntie ... io嘛有RnB Hip-hop Uncle& Auntie go listen to R&B HipHop music on the radio看到黑人擱撞
82 12.Award Show I'm just happy to be here y'all Yeah yeah Picture me at the MTV award show The BET award show The vibe magazine award show I just can't wait ... ard show I just can't wait to go I can't wait to go To the MTV award show The BET award show Sitting in the front row I just can't wait to ... ront row I just can't wait to go And I ain't talking about the Superbowl Not the NBA finals no All star weekend I might not even ... star weekend I might not even go But I will
83 6.夠不夠 韋國元-HAPPY NEW YEAR這個讚6.夠不夠作詞王雅君作曲 FUN4(木蘭)編曲楊聲錚 Zane Yang TWA451099006 Let's ... Zane Yang TWA451099006 Let's go Let's go妳是我的小宇宙 Let's go Let's go讓我牽著妳的手 Let's go Let's go我們一起去作夢 Let's go Let's go oh!!!前面有座城堡夢的愛丁堡只要妳陪我一起找未來驚嘆號趁太陽還沒完全
84 1.Chasing Sunsets s Are you happy… to go back There's a time you finally realize That you have been so blind There's a time again you can't decide To call it quit or be k ... rest Chasing sunsets Are you happy… to be sa
85 9.最好的我(&龔芝怡) i have to go Coz I Love You So(I love you so)想給你最好的我就算只是朋友我不在乎什麼天長地久我只在乎你想不想要擁有一顆真心和溫暖的手在身後陪你微笑或淚流我不在乎你下次回來待多久我只在乎這心動前所未有我不會走 Coz I Love You S ... 是朋友 nice to meet you I'm very happy that I've met you in my life謝謝你 in here i wish you luck and health hope to see u again ... nd health hope to see u again good
86 42.Y.M.C.A d to be unhappy. young man there's a place you cango. I said young man when you're short on your dough. you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a ... will find many ways to have a good time. it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. it's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a. they have everything for you men to enjoy you can hang ... urself cleaned you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel... young man are you listening to me? I said young man what do y
87 36.One Day 殺殺你說受罪不受罪 HAPPY DAY已經不是 HAPPY DAY DAY你以為我想這樣每天把自己灌醉我沒醉我我真的沒醉我不累我 ... 倒了爬起來繼續往前走GO怎麼會有那麼多天真的想法快快快要分不出是真還是假希望有一天你可以和我一樣讓
88 11.傻孩子 should we go…嘿.…當世界陷入了黑暗你在我身邊就不孤單我怎麼會忘記了擁有過這份溫暖…未來的路在哪裡呢?你笑著說你也不知道…我怎麼會忘記了明天只剩下無奈…我說傻、傻、傻孩子…能不能讓我裝傻一下(擁抱一下)牽著你、的、手流浪… Where should we ... 一下)牽著你、的、手流浪… Where should we go…嘿.…當天空、佈滿了星輝…傻孩子他…幸福的笑著、一句話也沒
89 2.港九情 yone will go away那陌生的遠地仰望滿天飛機維園可會念記聽說你也甘願適應新街舖偶爾碰上車浪紅色九巴裡吐 Oh~出信廣播道憑這歌一賭傳播大氣內寄望你聽到你這知心侶伴已被半島接管 I know you wanna stay but everyone will ... wanna stay but everyone will go away那陌生的遠地仰望滿天飛機維園可會念記在那個年歲尚欠缺紅隧唯有天星進退年光似水蒸發於港九相接的人堆你這不羈侶伴
90 2.One Day 殺殺你說受罪不受罪 HAPPY DAY已經不是 HAPPY DAY DAY你以為我想這樣每天把自己灌醉我沒醉我我真的沒醉我不累我 ... 倒了爬起來繼續往前走GO怎麼會有那麼多天真的想法快快快要分不出是真還是假希望有一天你可以和我一樣讓
91 1.大明星 y come on go) I say oh ho Say yeah with me Say yea ... 動力這一首歌唱的真的Happy每個動作我們反覆練習站在舞台就是給你證明 BOBO永在 Fllow
92 1.ABC(氧氣女聲小E&王嘯坤) 口要爭口氣 G是加油go go go H是hurdle跨欄杆劉翔速度槓槓地 ABCDEFG我們一起學英語全國人民 ... l我們能影響國際J是good job好樣D賽出風格賽友誼 K是Kungfu哼哼哈兮哈哈兮 LMN是 ... rty大伙鬧騰be happy Q是quickly大衝刺 R是relay大接力 ABCDEFG我們
93 10.I'm Coming ou and me Go on and on year It's Ming time I'm coming突然之間對話終止眼神代替說出目的突然之間浪漫崛起沒有秘密沒有距離你聽到我的呼吸我明白你的目的轟轟烈烈我要攻擊悄悄打開你的秘密觸摸著Mystery(偷看著謎底)擁抱著Melody交 ... g我用我的激情灌注你的生命永遠不要停 You and me Go on and on Hey Lady Lady I'm coming Are you ready?你想知道什麽?我讓你知你有什麽主意?我讓你試這是我和
94 3.Happy Go 醒-秋天3.Happy Go在等待我都在等待特別的女孩會迎面走來 so supprise說來也奇 ... 綵排感覺對隨時下載 Happy go Happy go愛的暢快澎湃像大海因為只有你讓我放得開不顧一切去愛 ... 放得開不顧一切去愛 Happy go Happy go帶你飛向無盡的未來如果流星從你眼前閃開快抓住現在 ... 眼前閃開快抓住現在 Happy go Use my mind不必在等待鬆
95 8.情人節的難題 ool Let's go out for some fun Only me and you(建宏)外 ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me(建宏) Hey~ Mei Mei ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me Everybody Everybody It's valentine here it comes again What you're ... re it comes again What you're gonna do and who you're gonna choose Why you always make me this ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me Oh~ Baby輕輕鬆鬆只要說我 ... 要開心大
96 4.情人節的難題 ool Let's go out for some fun Ye... Only me and yo ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me建宏 Hey~ MM那微風輕輕吹沒 ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me Everybody Everybody It's valentine here it comes again What you're ... re it comes again What you're gonna do and who you're gonna choose Why you always make me this ... 要開心大家都沒問題 Happy Ending You And Me Oh Baby輕輕鬆鬆只要說我願 ... 要
97 7.Bale Bale Wanna Be Happy Follow Me Buddy We Are So Happy Love Everybody一杯啤酒一些朋友一直吹牛 Bale Bale彈指之間稱霸群雄大夢醒來 Bale Bale快些地球慢些黑洞我在未來 Bale Bale喂不要走我還要說一起來唱 Bale Bale Wanna Be ... 要走我還要說一起來唱 Bale Bale Wanna Be Happy Follow Me Buddy We Are So Happy Love Everybody抬起頭學飛鳥自由天地都伴在你左右閉上眼二 ... 眼二三四五六煩惱都 Go Go (
98 15.Fly away nging the happy song. I fly away. I dream. I could be a small bird who is eager to flying in the sky Through the woods and doves around me fee ... ain. Worry no more you let me go. Fly away I dream I could be a small bird who is eager to flying in the sky I fly away. Fly away melt in the colorful sky let tim ... ain. Worry no more you let me go. Fly away melt in the colorful sky let time stop forever. Fly away fly over the highest mountain. Worry no more you let me ... ain. W
99 12.無神論(英文版) want the happy ever after Really I do But how can that be when I don't know if Heaven is true? There is no eternity For an atheist like me Wh ... again again again) I want the happy ever after I want it with you But how can that be when I don't know if Heaven is true? There is no eternity For an atheist lik ... gain again) And if you should go without meJust promise me That you will always be ... se me That you will always be happy And when I die is death the end?(
100 1.HAPPY GO 蘇醒-HAPPY GO(友移動商街廣告曲)1.HAPPY GO友移動商街廣告曲作詞陳綺萱作曲陳忠義別等待我都在等待特別的女孩會迎面 ... 綵排感覺對隨時下載 HAPPY GO HAPPY GO愛的暢快澎湃像大海因為只有你讓我放的開不顧一切去愛 ... 放的開不顧一切去愛 HAPPY GO HAPPY GO帶你飛向無盡的未來如果流星從你眼前閃開快抓住現在 ... 眼前閃開

最多只能顯示前 100 項,請多利用+-空白縮小搜尋結果.如【愛情+代價】【愛情-代價】